The RISC-Miño Limia project has 2.3 million and has reached 80% of execution

The RISC-Miño Limia project has 2.3 million and has reached 80% of execution

The president of the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Confederation, José A. Quiroga, met yesterday by videoconference the Management Committee of the RISC-Miño Limia Project, which has 2,335,000 euros and has already reached 80% of execution. The important advances in the development of hydrometeorological and hydraulic models that will improve the capacity to react to extreme phenomena were highlighted.

On the Portuguese side, the Portuguese Environment Agency APA and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, and on the Spanish side, the Campus of Ourense of the University of Vigo and the CHMS, as main partner, analyzed the degree of execution of each of the activities. The CHMS has already completed five SAICA stations, in the Louro (Tui), Deva (Arbo), Sarria (Lugo), Avia (Leiro), and Arenteiro (Carballiño) rivers and two SAIH in the Asma (Chantada) and Arnoia (Allariz) rivers. And the studies of the natural retention measures against floods in Baños de Molgas and Monforte are well advanced and are expected to be completed in the first half of this year. The RISC-ML project “is achieving very good coordination between all the partners, which is positive for the management of shared river basins between neighboring countries”, concludes Quiroga.

Source: Faro de Vigo