22 Sep 28th Joint Working Group Meeting of the RISC_ML Project
The Hydrographic Confederation of Miño-Sil River (CHMS) brought together the partners in the European RISC Miño-Limia project...
The Hydrographic Confederation of Miño-Sil River (CHMS) brought together the partners in the European RISC Miño-Limia project...
The Hydrographic Confederation of the Miño-Sil River (CHMS) convened, by videoconference, the 27th meeting of the joint working group of the RISC_ML Project, in which a review was made of the different steps to be taken to finalise the financial circuit of the project....
The document has been informed by the Governing Board and by the Committee of Competent Authorities, before being submitted to the Water Council, the highest participatory planning body...
Under the title "WATER RESOURCES IN THE FACE OF CLIMATE CHANGE - EXTREME PHENOMENA" the CHMS explained the results achieved by the RISC_ML project after its 4 years. During the working day, held by telematic means, the main actions that have been implemented were presented, including...
The objective of the symposium was to disseminate projects that have the Miño river basin as an area of intervention and to promote the debate on the management of natural resources and raise awareness of the importance of preserving biodiversity....
The work consisted of installing the necessary equipment for the real-time measurement and transmission of data on water level in the riverbed, temperature and rainfall....
On Wednesday, 18th November, the Entities that make up the RISC_ML project partnership, led by the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Confederation, met again by videoconference on the occasion of the 20th meeting of the Joint Working Group....
An agreement has been signed between the National Centre for Geographic Information and the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Confederation, in order to update and consolidate the Hydrographic Reference Geospatial Information....
On 30 October, the Miño-Sil Hydrographic Confederation (CHMS) completed the public consultation of the provisional Scheme of Important Issues (EpTI) for water management in the Spanish part of the Miño-Sil district....
Los técnicos del Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos del CEDEX y el Reto Demográfico y los de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Miño-Sil mantuvieron el jueves, 16 de octubre de 2020, una reunión por videoconferencia para analizar los avances alcanzados....